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Common Drugs and their Dangers

There is no single reason why anyone will do drugs, there are many different reasons, we are all individuals with individual reasons. We all have different ways in which we cope with the experience that comes with life. For some of us, that experience comes with trauma. 

When a young person does drugs it is the same, there is no single reason but as a parent or care giver it is important and vital to understand what drugs are, how they are used, the dangers of these drugs and the consequence and risks drugs can lead to. 

Drugs can alter the way people make decisions, this goes for young people too who may already have difficulty making the right informed decisions. Drugs can lead to poor decision making and decision making can lead to mistakes, mistakes that can not only destroy their lives but also the lives of others. 

Young people using substance can make them a target for others who intend to exploit them,. groom them and potentially abuse them. 

Being informed about drug and substance use and abuse can prevent further harm and further risk for your young person. Arming yourself with information and being more aware may prevent further trauma and exploitation. 

It is also important to discover the underlining reasons why your young person is doing drugs. 

At a glance...

  • Teens often use drugs and alcohol to fit in or to cope with mental health issues such as depression.

  • Young people may use substances to get feelings of temporary happiness and pleasure.

  • Commonly used drugs by young people include marijuana, cocaine, stimulants and painkillers.

  • Young people can also us K2, heroin, crystal meth, MDMA, hallucinogens, DXM and inhalants.

Why do young people do drugs?

There are many different reasons, according to the National Institute on drug abuse, peer pressure is a main reason. A lot of young people experience big changes in their lives during adolescence, their bodies change, their environments change, their friends change, their minds change. That is a lot of change and it is easy to lose your way and feel lost, to feel out of place. Peer pressure, in other words doing something to fit in with the crowd can seem like a great idea at the time. Young people may feel that doing drugs is a way to fit in with the individuals around them, or to fit into a certain social group.


Some young people may take drugs as a way to experiment, to push the boundaries of right and wrong. Some may do it to seek excitement, or to 'act out' against their parents wishes. 


But young people who struggle with their mental health are more prone to use drugs and substance as a way to self-medicate, in order to relieve stress, anxiety, a way to feel better about themselves. Some young people may use drugs to cope with distress reacting to trauma or bullying, and may lead to experimentation with multiple drugs and substances. Violence has been closely linked to drug use. 

Common drugs used by young people

There are alot of drugs and substance in the world, some you may have heard of, others will be new to you. But drugs are becoming more and more available and accessible, young people are particularly targeted by drug dealers and gangs because they are particularly easily influenced. Certain media and social platforms such as Twitter, Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook make it increasingly easier for young people to be inflenced and targeted. Even in some of todays computer games such as 'Grand Theft Auto' have made drug use and crime entertaining, if something is made to look fun, it makes it less wrong in the eyes of a young mind.

Common drugs used by young people include:

  • Marijuana - also known as cannabis and weed. It is a psychoactive drug from the cannabis plant. It has been known to have health benefits in the medicinal form but it also carries great risks. It is an illegal substance. This drug can cause mental health problems, depression, anxiety, suicide planning and psychotic episodes. It can effect movement and coordination. It is addictive and can affect daily life and performance in education and relationships and reduced life satisfication. 

  • Cocaine - also known as blow, C, charlie, coke, sniff, snow amopngst over names. it looks like white powder and can come in lumpy powder too. It is usually snorted which can cause significant damage to the nose and cause disfigurement, it can aslo be smoked which can cause severe damage to the lungs and can cause lungs to burn or collapse. It can also be injected and is extremely dangerous for health and can cause instant death. Cocaine is risky for anyone, especially for anyone with high blood pressure or a heart conditions. But even healthy young adults can have seizures, heart attacks and stroke due to this drug. Mxing this drug with alcohol can cause significant liver damage which may be irriversible. Mixing this drug with other drugs can be fatal, this means you die.  Regular use of this drug can cause mental healthb problems too, users can suffer from feelings of depression, feel run-down, anxious and paranoid. It can also bring previous mental health problems to the surfrace too. This drug is illegal to have in possession and can lead to a conviction even for small amounts. Cocaine is highly addictive, it can change the way your brain works and how it produces important chemicals. 

  • Spice/K2 - Spice is a synthetic cannabinoid, it is designed to act like the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis. It acts like the drug cannabis but is a lot stronger and can quickly cause adverse side effects that can be dangerous. These include lightheadedness, confusion, tiredness, aggressive, agitated, mood swings, anxiety, paranoia, suicidal thoughts, memory problems and amnesia, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate, blood pressure which can cause chest pains and even heart attacks. excessive sweating, loss of feeling and sensation in fingers and toes, tremors, seizures and fits. It has been known to cause acute kidney failure and are associated with psychotic episodes and mental health illness. These are illegal and conviction can include up to 7 years in prison.

  • MDMA - Also known as Ecstasy, Mandy, mollie and pills. These are very popular with young people and are often consumed during times of clubbing or dancing. Ecstasy can be extremely dangerous for users and can lead to death. This drug can cause quick overheating, dehydration and users often drink too much water to compensate which can cause fatal organ failure. The strength of this drug is often unknown and users can take too much and can quickly overdose. Use of this drug can cause liver, kidney and heart problems. MDMA can also cause problems with memory.

  • Laughing Gas - Nitros oxide is often referred to as laughing gas. This drug can be dangerous, it can starve your body of oxygen and cause unconsciousness and suffocation. Users have died using this drug. Regular use can stop you forming white blood cells properly, deficiency of vitamins such as B12 and can cause anaemia which can lead to severe and serious nerve damage that often leads to paralysis and the damage can be lasting. Nitrous Oxide has now been made illegal and possession of this chemical can lead to prosecution and a prison sentence. 

  • Crystal Meth - also known as Tina, ice, glass and meth. This drug has become very popular over the last several years and is one of the most destructive and addictive substances on this list. It can cause increased heart rate and blood pressure and raises the risk of a heart attack, the higher the dose the greater the risk. Over dosing can lead to stroke, kidney and gastrointestinal damage, coma and death. Long term use can cause brain damage and can cause damage to skin. It is extremely addictive and can quickly lead to a breakdown in daily life and activities. This substance can also cause severe psychosis which is a serious mental health state where you lose touch with reality and can put you at great risk from self harm or harm by others. 

  • Heroin - also known as brown, smack, H and gear. It is very easy to overdose on this drug and overdosing with heroin often leads to death. Heroin is usually injected and this can cause irreversible damage to veins and soft tissue. Heroin is highly addictive and can quickly lead to a breakdown in your normal day to day life. Using Heroin intravenously can lead to serious infections and blood clots which can lead onto severe medical conditions such as ulcers, strokes, sepsis and the loss of limbs. 

Help and Support...

Addiction and substance abuse can be scary for individuals, both young and older, and should be approached with care and respect. Not everyone has the ability to cope or deal with every day life, especially those who are suffering from disorders such as mental health, anxiety and stress. Young people are just as prone to mental health as the rest of us. 

It is important to view addiction as a condition rather than a behaviour. Behaviours can be to a degree controlled whereas a condition can't. As a parent or care giver you may be angry, you have a right to be angry but you must take into account the possible underlining reasons as to why a young person may be abusing substances. Approaching the issue in anger or with conflict only causes more conflict. Communication is key, and seeking help and support is a must. Conditions such as addiction sometimes needs specialist support and guidance. Some drugs can be dangerous to suddenly just stop. Some drugs require therapies and medicines in order for a user to safely go through withdrawal.

To get help and support there are many different services available. For the best advice it would be a good idea to speak to your G.P, they are medically trained and can refer you to the best possible service. You can also contact local Drug rehabilitation services independently, they will be more than happy to help you. But there may be periods of waiting and this can sometimes cause problems. 

It is advisable to go through your G.P as this can sometimes speed up the process if the referral has come through a medical profession. 

The best way to help a young person with an addiction or substance misuse is by being present. Showing them that you are there for them and that they are not alone is one of the best things you can do for someone. Reassure them that they are not alone and that they are cared for and about and most of all loved. These are the small things that are sometimes overlooked due to anger and frustration. 

Another important thing is to enocurage them to seek help and support, reassure them that it is okay and htat they will be supported throughout their journey.


TalktoFrank is a great place to start. This website offers so much information about many different kinds of substances and is the perfect place to find out exactly what you need to know about a substance and its potential risks and dangers. You can also use this website to find your nearest support group and service. Click the button to go directly there

NHS, 111.

The NHS website can offer alot of information about substance abuse and addiction. It can also provide you with information in regards to services and support that is avavilable to you in your area. In non-life threatening emergencies you can call 111 for help, if there is a life threaning situation such as an overdose or violent behaviours you should call 999 for immediate help. 


MIND is a charity that covers a wide range of issues and topics from mental health to substance abuse. This website can be a great help, not just for mental health or substance abuse but also to find reassurance and peace of mind. Click the button to find help and support.

Helping a loved one with addiction, substance misuse and recovery is not an easy task, with addiction there is also mental health, drugs, alcohol and other substances rewrtie the brain, its chemistry and how it functions. The mind of an addict is not straight forward and it can take a long time for the mind and its health to heal and recover. 

For some individuals this recovery may be a life long journey, and it may require life long support. If you are supporting a loved one on their journey remember to look after your health too, and that includes your own mental and emotional well-being. You don't have to be strong 100% of the time, you too can ask for help and support at any time. There is help and support for you too. Remember to take time to yourself, you too will need time to heal and recover from this experience. 

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