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Our Projects...

Anyone and everyone are welcome to join us and get involved!

Art Installation 

Calling all Crafters, Crocheters and Knitters.

We are creating an enormous 'yarn bombing' art installation as a part of involving everyone to raise awareness of our project. 

We need Red Hearts, Blue Flowers, Grey and Black Knives and 'Postcards from the Edge' 

To create our enormous interactive installation. 

Flash Mob

Are you a musician, singer, dancer or a part of a group? 

Then we need you to help us to create an amazing 'Flash Mob' Performance.

To be performed in locations throughout Milton Keynes. 

Contact us to get involved. 

Post Cards from the Edge. 


Your experiences are important to us and can help to inform others. 

Have you ever experienced crime or exploitation ? 

Victim, Perpetrator, Exploited, Groomed?

We want your experiences to write 'Postcards from the Edge'. 

Reclaim the Red ways. 

Join us for events over the next couple of years to show Milton Keynes that the Red ways of the City truly belong to YOU as M.K. citizens. 

We will be inviting you to Walk, Run, Push & Ride your Red ways, supporting both your city, your environment and the rights of the vulnerable young people in your city to a brighter and better future. 

Art Competitions.
'Our City, My Streets.

Want to win a £25, £50 or £100 bundle of art supplies and goodies?
Then enter our super Competition.
More details on the Gallery Page.   


Touring Play

We are having a playlet especially written to tour Milton Keynes Schools.

The play will bring life to the issues surrounding 'carrying for others',  'exploitation' and 'knife crime' to the youngsters in our schools. 

Are you a school college or drama group that would like to be included and involved? 

Get in touch. 

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